There is a proposal for a new development at 57 Haig Street, consisting of 116 one bedroom apartments and 133 two bedroom apartments in a 39 level tower. For more information click here.
Southbank Residents Group - website
Carshare - website Classifieds Ebay Melbourne, free - Gumtree Community Facilities - website Consumer Affairs - website Council rates and Valuations - website Etag for tolls, Citylink - website Hospitals and Health Services near Southbank - website Melbourne City Council - website Metlink, Trains, Trams, Buses - website National Gallery - website |
Southbank Rotary Group - website
Music for all moods - website Parks and Playgrounds - website Planning Updates - website Real Estate Institute - website Southgate Shopping Directory - website The Arts Centre - website Waste, Recycling and Noise - website What's On in Melbourne, today and soon - website Wikipedia, Southbank - website Yarra Tourism Association - website |