EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Please inform the building manager of any disabilities that would require specific evacuation in an Emergency.
There are two alarms you need to be familiar with:
Voice commands may also be heard if there is a need to communicate other instructions to residents. What should you do on hearing the BEEP BEEP Alarm?
What should you do on hearing the WHOOP WHOOP Alarm?
What you should not do?
Fire Alarm
Assembly Area
Is located at the top end of Haig Street under the bridge. Report your name, apartment number and number of persons in your apartment. Fire Fighting Equipment Sprinklers are located throughout the building and are connected to the fire alarm system. Smoke detectors are located in your apartment and should be tested every six (6) months. The sensors are not linked to the fire control system. The hallways and common areas also have smoke detectors. These are connected to the fire control system. Retractable hose reels are located in each fire equipment cupboard. There are two (2) located in each corridor. Fire Survival Tips Smoke inhalation can be fatal. If confronted by heavy smoke keep low to the floor where the air is clearer and breathe through a wet towel or handkerchief. If any part of your clothing catches fire drop to the ground and roll around to smother the flames. Use a blanket or towel or rug to help smother the flames. You Will Survive As long as you don’t panic!. Close the door to your apartment when everyone is out. Make sure you know where the stairwell is and go straight to it. It only takes 5 minutes to walk down the stairs from the 27th level. The stairwells have their own air pressure controls to keep the majority of smoke out. There are 10 emergency lights on each residential floor plus in the stairwells and lifts. The lights will keep working for at least 30 minutes as they have a battery back up system. You cannot evacuate from the roof